Title This: Impact Wrestling Reaction 12-15-2011

Impact WrestlingBobby Roode vs. AJ Styles for the World Heavyweight Championship: (5 minute overtime)

What I Liked:

It was given the first and most important part of the show this week. They needed to find some sort of conclusion from the PPV. I liked how the match was short, effective, and kicked off the show in an interesting fashion. Roode making Styles tap out was the right way to end the match, giving Roode the better and stronger finish. He continues to impress me as champion.

What I Disliked:

The match could and should have been ten minutes, as that is a good match length on television. Roode and Styles worked well together in the match, but I wonder if the feud is over? It has to be now, right? Styles tapped, the finish was clean. The time expired, again, which I felt a bit redundant, especially since it happened on Sunday. If they wanted to give them more time, do it, but a minute later he tapped. Did not make logical sense.

Grade: B

Wild Card Tag Team Tournament: Abyss and Scott Steiner vs. Hernandez and Rob Terry:

What I Liked:

Scott Steiner gives a great suplex. The teaming of him and Abyss is okay with me, especially since neither are of extreme importance in the company. Both guys are similar in wrestling styles, focusing more on the strength and dominating aspects. They will never out wrestle someone. The victory for them keeps them in the title hunt, which is something for them to do. It is hard to book these guys.

What I Disliked:

Terry and Hernandez as a tag team does not make sense. The whole aspect of the Wild Card Tag Team is seen to be as a way to find two single's stars and use them elsewhere. What is the point? They have been much better at creating Tag Teams than the WWE. Do not use their motto and throw two guys together. Keep the heads up with what you  had going for you.

Grade: C-


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