Title This: WWE Raw Reaction 1-16-12

WWE RawOpening Segment:

Mick Foley comes out and talks about what he has accomplished in his life. He begins to talk about his young children, and says he wants his kids to see him in one more match. He officially throws his name out there to be a participant in the Royal Rumble. Dolph Ziggler comes out, and basically makes a mockery out of it. Ziggler rips into Foley, calling him a has been and really never was. CM Punk's music hits, he comes out and backs Foley, comparing himself to Foley. Ziggler and Punk argue back and forth, and Laurinitis comes out to break up the argument. He says NO to Foley being in the Royal Rumble.

What I Liked:

Once again Raw opened with a different angle, a new way, and did not recycle previous weeks. Punk and Ziggler needed to be the main focus, and I felt like Ziggler did a great job getting over on the microphone. This was the best I have ever heard Ziggler work by himself without help from Vickie. He certainly carried this entire opening segment. Also, this foreshadows the main event, further pursuing the WWE Championship match, The Royal Rumble, and the potential of Ziggler as champion at WrestleMania.

What I Disliked:

I really hope that this is not a preview of Ziggler/Foley at WrestleMania. We all know Foley wants one more match, but I do not want to see Ziggler's talents wasted on a match like this. Have him in a high profile match, not with a guy who has never been a fantastic wrestler. Also, this is the WWE, not TNA. First Nash, then Booker, and now Foley? What the hell are they gaining by doing this? Nothing whatsoever. Build the younger guys please, and do not waste their talents and future with a forgettable feud with Foley. I am not trying to bash Foley, but he is more suited for a backstage role or a GM role. Let him thrive there.

Grade: C+

Epico and Primo (c) def. Air Boom to retain the WWE Tag Team Championships:

What I Liked:

The match to me was very entertaining, as Bourne hit a few nice moves early in the match to pick up the pace. I liked the back and forth athleticism between all four of the guys. I really feel like Air Boom is a solid tag team, one that can continue to grow and thrive at the same time. Epico and Primo are great together, mixing in team work and chemistry just from being related. It is a huge difference.

What I Disliked:

We got a match that contained four total minutes of in ring action. This needs to be much more, especially since the Tag Titles were dropped a night before at a Live Event. I totally do not agree with that title switch, as it devalues the titles, as well as shows you much how time they want to invest in building the division up. They just seemingly do not care whatsoever how much time they put into, and the less the better apparently.

Grade: C+

John Laurinitis is backstage, Otunga comes in, and says someone is waiting for him. Jericho walks in and Laurnitis tells us he will be in a six man tag match, teaming with Punk and Bryan to take on Henry, Ziggler, and Otunga. I will bet my house that Jericho will not get physically involved in the match, but make an entrance, tease him fighting, and leave.

Zack Ryder is backstage with Eve, tells Josh Matthews he is not cleared to compete but will, and leaves.


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