Title This: Impact Wrestling Reaction 1-19-12

In Ring Segment:

Austin Aries talks about his dominance in the X Division, talking about everyone he has beaten over the past many months. Alex Shelley comes out. He talks about his shoulder injury and how he is back. He talks about how his life revolves around wrestling, and how Chris Sabin gave him the OK to get back into the X Division. They trash talk back and forth, until Aries says he will pick an opponent for Shelley to fight, and he will earn a title shot if he beats him.

What I Liked:

I have always been a huge fan of the Motor City Machine Guns, and love the work Alex Shelley does in the ring. His abilities to create new offense is great to watch, and his progression of character development and essence of his details is great to see as well. I think this is a fantastic idea for a feud, as Aries needs someone new to work with. Shelley is a veteran of TNA, deserves a push, and will capitalize by giving the fans a great few matches with Aries.

What I Disliked:

Nothing here, as it was real, felt genuine, and not scripted.

Grade: A

Eric Young def. Angelina Love:

What I Liked:

Nothing to enjoy here. A stupid booking move on a rather solid show thus far. You're telling me we could not get an RVD match here? Hell I would take ANYBODY else in this spot, even Robbie E or The Pope. There needed to be some let down and we got it here. A low blow after a few minutes of Young not wrestling Love. What is the point?

Grade: F


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