Mt. Killamanjaro: TNA Hardcore Justice Review – An Ace, An Eight and Earl Hebner’s Sex Life

TNA Hardcore Justice Review — @Mike Killam

Welcome to my TNA Hardcore Justice Review! If you haven’t yet, feel free to check out my Preview piece before diving into this, if for no other reason than to tell me how wrong I was just a few short days ago. Make sure you’re following along with me on Twitter – the link is above – and join in all the TNA discussion in the Wrestlezone Forums. 

Now, on with the show…

Chavo Guerrero & Hernandez def. Kid Kash & Gunner
I almost wrote this match off – it had very little build, wasn’t for a title and had nothing to do with the BFG series – but these four guys ended up putting on a near-perfect opening contest. The fans were hot to see Chavo Guerrero in his first TNA PPV, and they were definitely right to use him as the curtain jerker (ignoring the fact that the heels actually came out first). 
Some classic heel work by Kid Kash and Gunner, ignoring ref counts and utilizing distractions from SuperMex to float in and out without making an official tag. They managed to keep the crowd into the action, but put over both Kash and Gunner in a big way; not too shabby for a throw-away opener. I’m a fan of Shawn Hernandez, but keeping his ring time limited and saving him for a hot tag at the last minute was a great decision. He did what any 285 pound freight-train-of-a-man should do: get in the ring, break everyone in half, leave. That sneaky mid-air tag by Chavo was easily my favorite point in the match, and the finish was well-booked. 
Not at all an important match on the Hardcore Justice card, but one that a lot of people will undervalue. Very solid work by everyone involved.
Rating: 4/5