Title This: WWE Raw Reaction 8-20-12

-CM Punk announces John Cena as his opponent, but he demands respect tonight.

Kaitlyn wins the Number 1 Contenders Diva Battle Royal

What I Liked:

This was your typical Battle Royal, nothing different. It was really sloppy. I actually thought that Beth or Natalya would win, since they are the two established veterans in the ring. I was extremely happy with Kaitlyn winning, as her personality and look is something that a Divas Division needs. She is strong, physical, and needs something to do. They have been high on Kaitlyn for a while, and I see good things from her. She is a marketable diva in a world where all the others divas are very similar. This is a low risk, high reward. They are taking a chance on someone fresh and new.

What I Disliked:

Layla is still champion. She does not do it for me. Where is the interest with her? She is bland and has not had any really good moments since her return. It may not be her fault, but she still hasn't been a champion in my eyes. She just does not look important, like when Beth or Natalya had the gold. Hell, even Kelly Kelly looked and performed better than Layla.

Grade: C+

Chris JerichoDolph Ziggler defeats Chris Jericho. Jericho's contract is terminated.

What I Liked:

What an excellent match to say goodbye to Chris Jericho once again. Jericho and Ziggler performed better tonight in a high stakes match than at Summerslam. This was basically the main event of the night, and it was well received. Jericho paced the match the way he wanted it to, including easy kicks to Ziggler and a missle dropkick to send him to the outside. Ziggler is the best seller in the game today, and that is something not everyone can do. Jericho continues to roll with a Hurricanranna, but Ziggler gains the offense with a fantastic DDT out of nowhere. Jericho tries to pick up the win after a Lionsault, but that is blocked and Ziggler hits a Zig Zag for the win. Jericho attacks Ziggler with a briefcase after the match when Dolph calls him a loser. Well done by both men, and Jericho exits with some pride in tact.

Grade: A

In Ring Segment

What I Liked:

CM Punk comes out and talks about what Jerry Lawler said a month ago about a lie. Punk goes over to him and says he wants him to take it back because it is not true. Lawler said it was not mean spirited, but Punk wants to see Lawler respect him and say he was wrong. John Cena comes out and Punk gets pissed about him interrupting. He says Cena has been stealing his spotlight, and guys like Triple H and Dwayne have done it too. It has been 9 months, and Punk is sick of seeing all of Cena's fans. Punk says he wants Cena to admit that Punk is The Best in the World, and then Cena will get his title match. Cena cuts a great promo about Punk and the fans, and also says his connection with the fans are the reason why he is on top still. Cena says it is all about respect, and not because of the word "champion." Cena says he will not turn his back on his fans, and says he feels he is the best, and that he has to believe in himself. Cena says his reign has been forgettable, and people will always remember Punk blowing the kiss to Vince after Money in the Bank. Cena stands tall and really speaks truths, as well as a real cutting to the heart promo. Cena says he cannot respect Punk if he does not choose him. This was the best promo from Cena in quite a long time, if not ever. He was real, did not crack lame jokes, and really got the crowd invested in his time on the microphone. Punk turns his attention again to Lawler after Cena leaves. Punk focuses on how critical Lawler is to the crowd and masses, and says he wants his apology. Jerry says sorry, and Punk says to tell the fans that Punk is the best. King says he cannot do that and wants to go back to doing his job, but Punk kicks King in his head. He kneels down and looks at Lawler. If this did not sell you on Punk as a heel, Cena as a great speaker, and Lawler's ability to get the crowd behind him, you are blind and deaf. This was an excellent ending to a very solid night of story progression, matches, and overall success after an average Summerslam.

Grade: A

Raw Grade: B

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