Title This: WWE Raw Reaction 9-10

WWE RawOpening Segment

What I Liked:

Montreal needed a quick boost to start the show, and out comes Bret Hart. He talks about how the crowd has helped him through tough times, and that he will always love Montreal. Hart continues to talk until Punk comes out to a chorus of boos. Punk talks about what if, and that if he was in the WWE, the Attitude Era would never happen. He bashes the fact that Hart still calls himself the Best there is… which sickens him. I really enjoyed the interaction between both guys because I felt like this was the best time for Punk to get big heel heat. He has still be at a turning point to a full fledged heel turn, so I thought he did exactly what he needed. You make fun of a legend who made his career in Canada, you will get heat. They went the simple route.

What I Disliked:

My idea was to have Punk come out to HBK's music, or even with a t shirt of his on. This would have been legendary, memorable, and a moment on Raw that we would never forget.

Grade: B+

R-Truth and Kofi Kingston Defeats Antonio Cesaro and The Miz

What I Liked:

When watching this match, I was definitely entertained in The Miz. He took a great bump from Kingston, who carried most of the offense in this match. Cesaro got some good exposure teaming with Miz because he has been stuck in a position of irrelavancy since winning the US Title. The match carried us through a commercial break, giving it enough time for each guy to hit his arsenal of moves. Kofi and Truth picked up the victory after a fast paced ending, with Kingston hitting Trouble in Paradise. Truth and Kingston are both very solid in the ring, and they are gaining chemistry that an actual tag team should have from the very beginning.

What I Disliked:

This is one of the first times Cesaro was in the ring with a quick, athletic competitor. He looked somewhat stiff when landing, did not really flow with the pace of the match, and looked lost at times. He is a good athlete, but he did not show that tonight. Also, the US and IC Champions lose to the tag champs, and I did not understand why. Kofi and Truth already have opponents, so why wouldn't those opponents come out and cost them the match for the heels to win?

Grade: B