Top 10

Wrestlezone’s Top 10: WWE Champions Of All-Time

Number 5: Shawn Michaels

Shawn Michaels

Mr. Wrestlemania is a nickname that is not given, but earned. Shawn Michaels is one of my all time favorite wrestlers, and his ability to showcase multiple facets of wrestling was fantastic. As a WWE Champion only three times, Shawn put on one of the best matches of all time, with Bret Hart in an Ironman Match at Wrestlemania in 1996. Everyone will remember witnessing the boyhood dream coming true. He kept that championship reign until November of 1996, where he would drop it to Sid. Injuries were always a huge problem for Shawn, including his back that benched him for close to 5 years. Many people never thought he could be better in his return, but he was. I will remember Michaels for being the guy to carry a company that was fading fast, along with Hart, but not turning his back on the WWE. He is the Showstopper, but more importantly, he was the guy that carried us from Hogan to Austin/Rock.