Title This: Impact Wrestling Reaction 1-17-13

Brooke hoganThe Main Event

Brooke and Bully's Wedding:

Let's talk about the wedding for a second. First, I was surprised to see Tommy Dreamer there, as he was in WWE recently. This may or may not hurt him in the long run, but he really has worn his time out with the Major Leagues. We get Spike Dudley and Taz with Bully Ray, who make sense since he has been friends since their ECW days. They make a great reference about Paul Heyman not being there, somewhat clever. We have Brooke finally come out, and she is looking for her father. Hulk finally comes out and walks her down the aisle. The wedding begins.

At first, I was unsure about what was going to happen, but then I realized that Aces and Eights have not really done much in the show. I have been used to them being shoved down my throat, but this episode was different. I began to ask myself if Hulk would be the one that stopped everything, but that was too predictable. Right before they were announced as husband and wife, Taz interrupts and asks if Bully really wants to do this. He then says "is it hot in here?" and then takes his jacket off. He is wearing an Aces and Eights vest, and then all hell breaks loose. They are attacked by the group, and then Brooke is taken by DOC. Everyone is laid out,  Brooke is yelling the show goes off the air.

So, TNA adds Taz to a group that needs a star. Taz has not been a star since the late 90's, and was a star in a company that tanked because they did not have any money. This wedding was a complete joke, a waste of television time, and showed you how amateurish the company really is. Instead of building great storylines with young talent carrying the brand, they are relying on Hulk Hogan and his daughter. This SHOULD NEVER be a part of the show. If they wanted to add Brooke to a show like this, make her a manager. What is the payoff? What does Taz add to the group? Why does TNA continue to ulitize the wrong people time and time again? Great work also by Brooke telling her father her boob popped out before the show goes off the air. Horrible mistake, and a childish and amateurish way to end a show. Hogan and Bully will team up now? What will Hogan do next? I could care less.

Grade: D

Impact Wrestling Grade: C-

Follow @JoshIsenberg4 on Twitter. Reaction, over.


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