Stars in Progress: Brock Lesnar, Aces & Eights, Show/Del Rio

Cody RhodesCody Rhodes – One Step Down

Sunday he was challenging for the Tag Team titles with Damien Sandow; Monday he got squashed in a singles match with John Cena. There was absolutely no follow-up to Rhodes Scholars, period, much less their pursuit of tag team gold.

Um, what!?

I'm not going to read too much into Monday. The whole show was a mess in many ways and the main event picture was really the only productive part of the show. The rest was time-wasting and rather pointless as it relates to the overall development of characters and storylines. I would assume that changes this week.

Rhodes and Sandow were the frontrunners to beat Team Hell No just a week ago, and now I'm not so sure. There's a lot of work to do if you keep them together; there's even more work to do if you split them up.

Sandow has the bigger upside as a singles competitor. Rhodes could really get lost in the shuffle if he's on his own. Both are better off, right now, staying together. Let's just hope WWE sees it that way. And if they do, let's hope even more they start protecting these guys more as legitimate contenders to the tag titles. If not them, then who?


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