Stars in Progress: Brock Lesnar, Aces & Eights, Show/Del Rio

Brock LesnarBrock Lesnar – One Step Up

I understand why so many people were upset over Lesnar losing his first match to Cena. Hopefully, those same people now understand why it didn't hurt him in the least.

We're not even one year removed from the Extreme Rules match and who's talking about it now? No one.

Brock Lesnar's limited schedule allows him to lose and come out unscathed. When there's months in between your matches, wins and losses mean very little. However, take The Rock and this two-three month period heading into WrestleMania – if he had lost at Royal Rumble to Punk, his momentum would have been much less than it is currently with him as the new WWE Champion.

Lesnar's return to Raw was great. Even though a majority of fans knew it was likely to happen, we popped all the same. The Heyman/McMahon segment was absolutely incredible, and then Brock came and put it over the top. In a lot of ways, it likely saved the entire program from being one of the worst night-after shows in history.

Lesnar vs HHH II is the most probable scenario, but I'm one pushing for it to happen at Elimination Chamber – not WrestleMania. Let Brock work Taker (if he can go), Ryback, Punk – anyone but Hunter. Two repeat matches at the big event is two too many in a lot of people's eyes, but I would imagine it's at least one too many in most.

The Heyman/Punk/Lesnar dynamic is what intrigues me most right now. WWE will have to address it sooner rather than later, and I'm really interested in how they do it.

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