Title This: Impact Wrestling Reaction September 26th, 2013

Bully RayThe Main Events

The Debacle of Aces and Eights

Well this looks to be end of Aces and Eights. It is only a matter of time for the group to be down to just Bully Ray and Brooke Tessmacher. After losing a 6 man tag team match against Main Event Mafia, Wes Brisco is kicked out of the group. Yes, the most underrated guy is kicked out of Aces and Eights. Brisco is far better in the ring that Bischoff or Knux. He gets kicked out and Bully Ray uses his power to shut up Knux and Bischoff. The fact that TNA is dragging the end of this group out scares me. I feel like they are not sure if they want to end it or if they want newer people in it. I hope it is not the latter because a stable will no longer benefit Bully Ray. He is finally an established main event guy and possibly the best heel in TNA. Let him thrive by himself (and Brooke) and continue his reign as champion. There is no reason for him to feud against Knux or Bischoff. There is no need for him to lead another stable or a revamped one. He has solidifed himself and the other guys can branch off and make something of themselves.

Grade: C

Hulk Hogan, Dixie Carter, and AJ Styles

Hogan comes out and offers a new contract to AJ Styles. After some deliberation, Styles signs the contract. This prompts Dixie Carter out and she ends up ripping the contract in half. She yells at Styles to leave the ring, which he does. Hogan and Dixie get face to face and Dixie said Hogan has the choice of being on Team Dixie or being on the side of AJ Styles. Carter leaves him a week to decide.

Dixie Carter is not Vince McMahon. She is trying WAY TOO HARD at being this character. She is trying too hard to step out of her comfort zone to be a heel. She is not a heel at all. She needs to stay off television because her presence is felt more behind the scenes.

Grade: C-

Impact Wrestling Grade: C

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