impact wrestling

Impact Wrestling Results (9/27): Taya Valkyrie Returns, Tessa Blanchard Defends The Knockouts Title, Huge Tag Team Main Event, More

Report By Lovell Porter for

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Knockouts Championship Match: Tessa Blanchard (c) vs Faby Apache

Apache kicks Blanchard in the face. Apache stomps Blanchard in the corner. Blanchard lands a few strikes. Apache counters a clothesline with a reverse facebuster. Ranna by Apache. Blanchard kicks out. Blanchard tries the Buzzsaw but Apache reverses it. High knee by Blanchard. Apache kicks out. Short arm clotheslines by Blanchard. apache trips Blanchard into a modified death lock. Blanchard gets to the ropes. Apache hits the angel’s wings for a near fall. Apache puts Blanchard on the top rope. Blanchard knocks Apache off the top. Blanchard hits Magnum! Apache somehow kicks out. Blanchard hits the Buzzsaw DDT for the win!

Winner and STILL Knockouts Champion, Tessa Blanchard!

After the match, Blanchard says she is the Knockouts Champion. Blanchard has defeated everyone in the locker room and the best in Mexico. Blanchard is diamond of the Knockouts division. Taya Valkyrie appears on the screen and challenges Blanchard to a match at Bound for Glory for the championship.

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