smackdown reaction

WrestleZone’s Top 10: What MUST Happen at WWE Battleground

Number 7: Bray Wyatt MUST Be Basic

Kofi Kingston

Kofi Kinsgton can get a great match out of anyone. With Bray Wyatt, he is still very young and new to the crowd. We know what he can do on the microphone and have fallen in love with his gimmick. Wyatt must be basic at Battleground. What I mean by this is WWE cannot give us all of what he is about in the ring. That needs to be saved for a later time. I want a little bit more from him but not too much. Let Kingston feel good about himself in the ring only to fall to the dominance of Bray Wyatt. Simple, basic, and compelling. Three words that Bray Wyatt should focus on.


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