Mike Killam & the WZ Forums Predict: Bound for Glory 2013

I've given Josh Isenberg a break from the usual pay-per-view predictions article this month, and instead enlisted the help of some of the more intelligent members of our own Wrestlezone Forums. 

[EDIT: I did not mean that they are more intelligent than Josh. What is wrong with you people.]

Mike Killam and the Wrestlezone Forums Predict: 
TNA Bound for Glory 2013

Mike Killam & the WZ Forums Predict: Bound for Glory 2013


Mike Killam: This summer TNA had something really special brewing in the Knockouts division, with newcomer Taryn Terrell coming along nicely, and some great matches with Gail Kim. There were actually two completely separate female programs on Impact each week, and both were better than the majority of things happening in WWE at the time. Unfortunately, life is unpredictable. Taryn got pregnant. Mickie and Tara left the company. The title just doesn't seem as important, and as such I'm not nearly as excited for this match as I hoped I would be just a few months ago. Still, Gail is one of the best female wrestlers in the world, ODB is consistently entertaining (and freakishly over), and Brooke is…well, she's got a killer ass. 

klunderbunker: It's been over a year since Gail held the title so it's time for her to bore us to death again. Not that it really matters as the winner is just keeping it warm until we get to the Lei'D Tapa reign anyway, no matter how few people care about her at all. The match is likely going to be junk but at least Brooke will look good in her little outfit.

TAFKAMDDFA: ODB is the most over woman in the division and I see no point any other knockout gaining her title if they are just going to pass it off to Lei'd Tapa soon, which they will. ODB to retain.


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