Title This: Impact Wrestling Reaction January 30th, 2014 “Why MVP is Good For TNA”

The Main Events

impact wrestling reactionSamoa Joe and Kurt Angle defeated Magnus and Ethan Carter III. If Samoa Joe was able to make Magnus tap, he would become the new number one contender. Well, after an excellent bout where we saw Samoa Joe hit a superkick onto Magnus, knock EC3 to the outside and finish him off by making him tap, Joe gets a chance at the title. I have never been a fan of Joe, but I cannot underestimate how good he is in the ring for a big man. He reminds me of Umaga, but much more smooth and fluent in the ring. He has that martial arts background to fill the gaps between power moves. Joe vs. Magnus is like "Old TNA vs. New TNA." I am all for this.

Score: 8/10

-Bully Ray and Ken Anderson is the most real angle they have going on right now. Pushing the limits is something TNA is trying to do. Don't you feel awkward when Bully Ray talks about Anderson's wife and kids? I certainly do, but I like that awkward feeling. They set up a coffin match between the two and will "end" their feud. If you cannot see how good these guys are together, you might be blind They know each other's strengths and weaknesses. They also are FANTASTIC on the microphone, which is why the feud has not lost any steam.

Score: 8/10

Why is MVP good for TNA?

This is simple. We did not see the BEST from MVP in WWE. He was never world champion, nor broke that ceiling. With guys like Angle and Sting, we saw their best. With guys like Knux and Gallows, they were still very raw and did not become an important piece in WWE. MVP did great things in WWE and has been away long enough to recreate himself. With his showmanship, athleticism and intelligence of the sport, I fully expect this angle to be successful. If it falls flat, who do we blame? Will he sell more tickets? No, it will be something fresh and exciting…hopefully.

Score: 7/10

How crazy is it that the product seems much more interesting and important with an actual crowd?

Impact Wrestling Score: 7/10

@JoshIsenberg4 on Twitter. Reaction, over.


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