Stars in Progress: Was Rollins Joining Evolution a Step Up?, Barrett Moving the IC Title Up, Wyatt, Charlotte & Natalya Impress, More

Cody Rhodes & Goldust – Step Up

file_240281_0_codyrhodesIt’s nice to see these two involved in something again, even if it is the end of their run as partners. Instead of the run-of-the-mill brother turns on brother angle, they are playing it up nicely with Cody hand-picking Goldust’s partners on every show. He’s gone through Sin Cara and Kofi Kingston so far, with no luck picking up a win. On the surface this is Cody’s way of finding a “better” partner for Goldy, but the story will play out that he was sick of losing, sick of being a tag team guy, and wanted to embarrass his half-brother to show him how it feels to partner with losers week after week. I almost guarantee that is, more or less, word-for-word how this story ends up breaking down. 

Tyler Breeze – Step Up

I KNOW – I’m saying nice things about Tyler Breeze! It’s a Christmas in June miracle! 

Breeze has a gimmick that works as a heel in NXT, but if he comes to the main roster he’ll be another Fandango. No offense Fandango. That being said, at NXT Takeover he did his usual gimmick entrance, came down to the ring taking selfies and being a general ass, but as soon as the bell rung he focused up and worked a great match. There were no signs of the gimmick within the ropes, except for his overall attitude as a heel. He worked a viscous style, much more mean than his opponent, and showed that he understand the difference between playing heel and BEING heel. It was a big turning point for me as a fan of his. 

WWE – Step Up

So there you go. All of my picks this week were WWE related, and all of them were big steps up. This AFTER I wrote an article calling the entirely of the RAW product a giant waste of time, and told people to stop watching the product. But hey – WWE stepped up their game, and I am more than happy to eat crow when they come out and do something good. This was a very good week in wrestling, between NXT Takeover, a solid Payback PPV card, and some great development on RAW.