Title This: WWE Raw Reaction “Superstars Return on the Road To SummerSlam”

Roman Reigns and John Cena defeated Kane and Randy Orton

wwe raw reactionA tag team match with four competitors in the championship match in three weeks was very entertaining. Randy Orton hits an RKO onto John Cena, but Reigns hits a Superman Punch onto Kane. They head to the back and Kane beats Cena down with steel steps. Kane hits a Tombstone onto Cena and Cena is hurt. Triple H checks on Cena and then waves to get Rollins out here.

Seth Rollins' music hits and out comes Mr. Money in the Bank. He is about to cash-in, but Dean Ambrose interrupts it. Ambrose attacks Rollins before he cashes the briefcase in. They fight into the crowd and Triple H is furious. Kane grabs a steel chair and Cena is the target. Roman Reigns makes his way back and spears Kane. He eyes down Triple H, as both men stare at one another.

Reigns vs. Triple H is money. I cannot wait for that encounter because it seems to natural and organic. People want to see Reigns tear Triple H apart. This goes to show you how good Triple H really is as a heel. He can make anyone hate him and anyone boo him out of an arena. The crowd loves it and Raw ends with Reigns staring at Triple H. 

This was an excellent WWE Raw with so much excitement. With new returns and bascially WWE hitting the reset button, we have new feuds and new champions to watch. This was just fun to watch on so many levels.

Score: 8.5/10

WWE Raw Score: 8/10

@JoshIsenberg4 on Twitter. Reaction, over.


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