Title This: WWE Raw Reaction “Hell in a Cell Is Must-See”

 Cesaro defeated Dolph Ziggler

Cesaro takes the upper hand early in the match. Cesaro hits a back breaker and then locks in a choke hold. Ziggler tries to get rid of Cesaro, but he hangs Ziggler up on the ropes. Dolph Ziggler catches Cesaro in mid air with a big dropkick. Dolph picks the pace up and hits a neckbreaker. He hits a few elbow drops and rolls Cesaro up for a two count. 

Cesaro gets back on the offensive and Ziggler reverses him with a face buster. Another two count and another kick out by Cesaro. Cesaro hits a big uppercut for the win.

Well, it looks like a new finisher for Cesaro. It was non-title so the odds were in favor of Cesaro. I am not sure how to feel on Cesaro using the uppercut as a finisher. It seems so easy and not that intense. I like the Neutralizer much better, which is what he planted onto Ziggler before leaving the ring. I am in favor of this feud because of how good the wrestling can be. Look for Cesaro to win the IC title in the near future.

WZ 6

Street Fight Ends WWE Raw

Dean Ambrose unleashes fury in the street fight early. He runs from the table and takes out all of the men. Ambrose heads to the outside and grabs a chair. He focuses on Seth Rollins and hits him the stomach and back with the chair. Seth Rollins trips Ambrose into the corner and kicks him in the head and shoulder. Randy Orton tags himself in and begins to kick away at Ambrose. He hangs Ambrose on the top rope and then looks to tag in Rollins.

Rollins gets back into the ring and Ambrose is singled out. After a crossbody, Ambrose is finally able to get the tag to John Cena. Cena clears the ring of Kane and Orton. He grabs a table and Seth Rollins is in the ring. Seth Rollins stops from getting put through a table and then drives Cena’s head into the steel chair. Orton and Kane take out Ambrose and Rollins sets a table in the corner.

Seth Rollins hits an inverted neckbreaker and Kane gets the tag. Kane throws John Cena over the announce table and then into the steel steps. Cena is driven through a table and Kane boots Dean in the face. The cell is lowered and Dean Ambrose gets back in. He cltoheslines Kane to the outside and unloads onto Randy Orton. He hits a big dropkick, catapulting Rollins into the cell. Kendo Stick shots to Orton and he hits a Russian Leg Sweep. Kane hits a chokeslam onto Cena, while Ambrose hits Dirty Deeds onto Kane. Orton hits an RKO and picks up the win. 

Seth Rollins ends the night with a Curb Stomp onto Randy Orton to end the night.

Intense. Incredible. WWE Raw does it right tonight. You focused the entire night, 4 segments on the two Hell in a Cell matches. The best part of the main event was the ending. What happens with Seth Rollins? Does he cost Orton the match? Does Orton cost him? Is that a good way to save the losers of the match from not being “buried” to an extent. Either way, both of those matches could have either man win. THAT is good television. It is very unpredictable right now and Hell in a Cell is must-see right now.

WZ 8


@JoshIsenberg4 on Twitter. Raw Reaction Rating:

WZ 7


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