THE REVIEW: WWE Royal Rumble 2015 – Featuring a Complete Breakdown of the Single Worst-Booked Match in WWE History

The end segment was the epitome of WWE “business as usual”. The logic was mind-blowingly simple: put all this heat on Big Show and Kane so people will care about Roman Reigns and his comeback. Maybe that will get the fans to forgive the whole “Bryan thing”. 

Or maybe they’ll chant “bull***t” at you, and cheer for Rusev. 

The Rock - WWE Royal Rumble“When all else fails, we’ll send THE ROCK to the ring to make people like Roman Reigns.”


WWE screwed up so badly, people actually boo’d The Rock

Look guys, I like Roman. In an alternate universe where people weren’t insane and WWE booking wasn’t worse than M. Night’s “The Last Airbender” movie, I actually wanted him to win the Rumble. He’s got the “it factor” and is a marketable star that could make WWE a lot of money. He was a part of the best faction in a decade. Until now, he really was never unintentionally boo’d by an arena of people. In fact, everyone pretty much liked Roman Reigns until a few months ago. 

That said, this is the biggest failure on the part of WWE booking that I have ever seen. No hyperbole. No joke. This is it.

WWE isn’t allowed to make a single mistake for the remainder of 2015, because every bad call they were going to make this year just got rolled up into a big ball of garbage and labelled the “Royal Rumble”.

I want to know which self-righteous prick at WWE got all high-and-mighty, and decided it didn’t matter if the fans want Daniel Bryan to win. AGAIN. I didn’t want Bryan to win either, but I’m not stupid enough to book this pile of s*** and expect people to be okay with the outcome. AGAIN! 

But hey…the title match was great…