The Seth Rollins Saga

chynaSo, since guys get a pass, I want what I predict is going to happen to Zahra to be a lesson to every young woman who dreams of getting into the wrestling business because I think Zahra will soon find herself on the “future endeavored” heap, sad to say.

The lesson is “Don’t date other wrestlers, especially ones who are engaged.” ESPECIALLY IN THE WWE!!!! It’s the most tight-a$$ed company in the world. They “out” Darren Young and then squash him when he voices an opinion. His voice would have been heard if he was over but he’s anything but over.

So, double standards in the WWE include guys don’t get judged but girls do and you can get away with anything if you’re over. If you’re a girl and not over? See ya.

Why would a company like the WWE invest in you, Zahra, if you are at the center of scandal and ridicule for one of the top guys?

To any young female wrestler, substitute Zahra’s name with your own and read that sentence out loud.

“Oh, it will never happen to me.” Yeah, right. Delusional.

It’s only ok to be in a relationship in the WWE if they can exploit it on “Total Divas”.

At every camp I’ve ever done, I’ve told any woman wrestlers who have attended to not date the boys. For every happy story of Mike and Maria Kanellis Bennett, there are dozens and dozens of girls who have had their hearts broken and their employment affected by dating the boys.

Do you think Chyna regrets dating Triple H? Her career went in the toilet and she’s now labeled a PR risk to ever be considered for anything other than a footnote in the Attitude Era.

When a Diva dates one of the boys, it’s cute. When she causes drama, adios.

So, my advice once again to every young girl who dreams of being a WWE Diva is don’t date the boys.

If you want to have sex with wrestlers or send nude pictures, buy a ticket like “ring rats” have done for decades.

Thoughts? Opinions? @RealKevinKelly on Twitter


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