Isenberg Reacts: WWE Raw “The Viper Overcomes Reigns”

John Cena U.S. Open

wwe rawStardust answers the challenge and Cena begins with a stalling suplex. Cena hits an elbow and then Stardust hits him in the eye. Cena kicks him and then connects with a big punch. Stardust is headed to the outside and yells at the crowd before a commercial break comes.

Stardust hits a Disaster Kick and then gets a two count. He kicks him again and then an inverted stunner from the top rope. Stardust springs off the top rope and Cena catches him with a Powerbomb. Stardust reverses an AA with an Alabama Slam. Stardust tries to hit his finisher, but Cena counters with a side suplex. Stardust hits a DDT and grabs another two count. Stardust flies from the top and gets another two count. Cena catches Stardust and locks in the STF, but grabs the rope. Stardust hits finisher and gets another two count. Alas, John Cena picks up the win.

Yes, I know it is predictable, but I enjoyed every part of this match. John Cena continues to give us fresh matches and new opponents. Stardust looked really good tonight and WWE gave him many opportunities and chances to take over offensively. This is not about burying talent. This is about finding guys who connect on a big stage by wrestling John Cena. Stardust impresses and John Cena continues to be the definition of professional.

WZ 7

Divas Tag Team Action

Brie and Paige kick things off. Paige gets slapped and hits a clothesline. Paige gets sent to the outside and takes her time getting into the ring. Brie hits a running knee and a two count. Nikki gets into the ring and the twins hit a nice double suplex. Nikki continues the assault on Paige, with shoulder thrusts in the corner.

Naomi gets the tag and hits a hurricanranna and send Brie to the outside. Naomi misses a move at the top and ducks a clothesline. She hits Nikki with a Rear View and Brie saves the match. Paige kicks Nikki and Brie looks at her. Naomi is in the ring and hits a scissors move for the win.

That scissor thing Naomi did was BAD. The Rear View… worse. Other than that, I was alright with this match. There was some bright spots and some really good offense. It just seemed choppy and never found a really fluent motion to it.

WZ 5.5


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