Isenberg Reacts: Impact Wrestling Reaction “The Hardy’s Shine With New Gold”

Night of Knockouts

impact wrestlingNext week will be “Night of Knockouts.” If there is one group of talent that have deserved this, I give it to these ladies. I question if TNA should book a whole two hours to these women, but they have been excellent. Not much here tonight, but here are the few Knockouts that rank high on my list.

Taryn Terrell: Can we say she is one of the best? I think so. You can tell she loves this business because she has improved MILES over the years. Sign me up anytime with her. She kicks butt, looks stunning and has a really simple, yet likable character. You always want to root for her.

Gail Kim: Open a dictionary. Look up consistent. You will see her picture next to that word. She continues to be the veteran presence in a locker room that needs her. The best part is this: the best could be yet to come from her.

Angelina Love: The typical “Brit McHenry” of the group. You look at her. You think she is hot. You want to hate her. That is what she is booked at and booked well.

Awesome Kong: A sight to see every time she is on your screen. You look at her and are in awe of her size and skill. Is she limited in what she can do? Absolutely, but TNA knows what to do with her.

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EC3 and Bram Advance, Aries and Roode Team Up

Two more teams advance in relatively short fashion. EC3 and Bram confuses me. You have this lunatic and a guy who cares to much with how he looks. It seems to backwards to me, even though I am a huge fan of both of them by themselves.

Roode and Aries makes all the sense in the world to me. It is similar to when WWE put Edge and Orton together. They were world champions, but the picture was crowded with others. Throw two really established guys and see what you have. I think this has opportunity for some longevity. Aries and Roode make a great pairing and are those “TNA guys” everyone knows about.

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