Isenberg Reacts: Impact Wrestling Reaction “The Hardy’s Shine With New Gold”

Kurt Angle, Eric Young, The Rising and The BDC

impact wrestlingTNA does a really good job with two more developing storylines. They give the BDC and The Rising an involvement with Kurt Angle and the new contender to his championship, Eric Young.

When going back and watching how this night unfolded, it made sense to me. The Rising, led by Drew Galloway, helped Angle from any further harm from Homicide and others in the group. It also made sense for Eric Young ,who gets a shot at Angle’s championship. Young did not want MVP to do any more damage to Kurt, so he grabbed the chair. As he was about to hit him, he dropped the chair and walked away.

Eric Young does not need to continue his aggression on a week to week basis. We saw that for over a month with Bobby Roode. It gives him a more intelligent and creepy gene in his fresh heel turn. I still am impressed with the guy. I can’t get over how good he has become as a heel. He gets help from established faces like Lashley, Roode and Angle. Nonetheless, two storylines continue to push forward.

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The Hardy’s Are Champions

Add another championship to the long list for Matt and Jeff. Ultimate X delivers in the main event. I may have cut another segment short to give an extra 5 minutes for these guys, but the match was very fun to watch.

The booking was simple and very effective. The faces clear the ring and they brawl. The heels clear the ring and they brawl. Everyone brawls and it is everyone for themselves. Big spots, high adrenaline and expert wrestling in a high risk atmosphere. TNA did the right thing tonight, booking Matt and Jeff to win gold. They need consistency and they need the hottest tag team in wrestling to hold them. They are like a fine wine, getting better with age. They are fresher, more unique and continue to impress on a weekly basis.

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@JoshIsenberg4 on Twitter. Impact Wrestling Rating:

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