Isenberg Reacts: WWE Payback ” The Future > Kane”

Ryback vs. Bray Wyatt

wwe paybackRyback and Wyatt go at it hard and often. Ryback capitalizes with some mistakes, hitting a big power slam and a two count. Wyatt takes Ryback to the outside, but Ryback fires back with some clotheslines and power moves. Wisely, Wyatt heads to the outside. He connects with a massive clothesline on the outside, sending him back in and hitting a suplex. Ryback comes back with a boot and a spinebuster for two.

Ryback goes up to the top and hits a splash from the top. He goes for a cover and Bray gets a two count. Ryback is selling his stomach injury while both men are down. Ryback lifts up Wyatt for Shell Shock, but he grabs the ropes. He throws Ryback into the exposed turnbuckle and hits Sister Abigail for the win.

The crowd was into this from the very beginning. It was hard hitting, physical and everything you needed to see. Ryback needed to look strong and Wyatt needed to have the will and more desire to win the match. Ryback looked really good tonight and you can tell how far he has come over the past year. Bray wins because there is more in his future than Ryback. Ryback, ultimately, will become a really good piece in many storylines. Bray is destined to become a world champion. WWE did the right thing tonight by giving Bray a win without making Ryback look weak.

WZ 7

John Cena vs. Rusev

Rusev comes out firing and hits John Cena with kick after kick, asking him if he wants to quit. Obviously, the match keeps going. Rusev punches him in the face and then a clothesline from the United States Championship. John Cena hits some shoulder blocks and then hits 5 Knuckle Shuffle. Rusev comes back and catches Cena with a fallaway slam.

Rusev throws John Cena into the steel steps over and over again. Rusev throws Cena onto the steel steps with a side slam. John Cena hits an Attitude Adjustment on the steel steps. John Cena throws the steel steps from the ring and misses Rusev on the outside. He kicks Cena in the stomach and then Rusev hits the post. John Cena throws himself into Rusev through the barricade. Rusev kicks Cena in the face, while both men are in the crowd.  They brawl near the technicians center and aligns a table up. Cena hits him with a television and a laptop. Rusev hits an Alabama Slam through a table. Cena hits Rusev with an AA and the pyro goes off on him.

John Cena throws a metal frame onto Rusev, but Rusev crashes Cena through it. Rusev finally applies The Accolade. John Cena passes out and Rusev strips the top rope. He throws water on him and Cena awakens. He locks in the STF and Rusev yells in Russian. Lana yells that he said “I Quit.”

Was I entertained? Yes. Was I intrigued? Yes. Was the match slow, spot after spot with little chemistry? Yes. I Quit matches are so predictable and very slow paced. Do we think Cena will say those words after a freaking suplex? No. The logic is a little ridiculous here. Water woke up Cena from being choked out. This did one thing: Lana and Rusev have more problems. The door is open here for Rusev to flip out saying he never said the words “I Quit.” Tomorrow should shine light on Rusev and John Cena. Will another match happen?

WZZ 6.5