Isenberg Reacts: Impact Wrestling “Kurt Angle is Still The Man”

Too Much For Too Little

The X-Division kicked off a tournament tonight. Usually, I am a big fan of tournaments determining a champion or a contender. Not so much tonight.

Crazzy Steve, Manik, Low Ki, Grado, Cruz, Kenny King, Mark Andrews, DJ-Z and Tigre Uno are involved in 3-way matches. Not that they were bad, they were just rushed. There were too many guys involved in this that have not have consistent exposure on television. Aside from Low Ki, Manik and DJ-Z, do we really invest time into the other guys? No, they are simplistic characters with no depth. Is it their faults? No. Is it the writers? Yes, but they can only work with so much time. Less could have been more in this “tournament.”

WZ 4.5

@JoshIsenberg4 on Twitter. Impact Wrestling Rating:

WZ 6


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