Isenberg Reacts: Impact Wrestling “Missed Opportunity on Magnus”

Eric Young defeated Chris Melendez

 impact wrestlingOkay, this was very quick. Eric Young stomps him a few times and sends him into the corner, followed by a Piledriver for the win.

 You can see the heel character of Young softening up a bit, but his aggression and intensity can switch in the snap of your fingers. I just have ZERO interest in Melendez as a wrestler.

Good story, but can we please be real here? Whoever thinks this guy can get over and be a star by himself is just ridiculous. That is why Kurt Angle needed to be in his corner.

WZ 3

Brooke defeated Marti Belle

Brooke jumps the Dollhouse and sends them into the corner. She tries to chase Taryn around the ring,  but Marti hits her from behind. Marti beats Brooke down in the corner and continues the assault. Brooke looks to be defeated, but fires with some clothesline and take downs.  The numbers game gets to her, until Gail Kim’s music hits. She doesn’t appear, but Brooke uses the distraction to hit her finisher for the win.

I did not mind this match, really. I felt like there should have been more emphasis on the champion over Gail Kim, but the distraction worked and was something that was needed. The numbers game with The Dollhouse works every week and they are beginning to get a taste of their own medicine. Do I love Brooke as champion? No, but I still think that she is a worthy champion. I just wanted to see a bigger moment for Taryn to drop the title. That is what happens when you build 2 months of television into two nights. Writers FEEL like they have to make “big moments” happen weekly, whether it is a new authority figure, debut, new champion, etc.

 WZ 4.5


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