Isenberg Reacts: Impact Wrestling “Excellent Matches Make Excellent Television”

Austin Aries defeated Mr. Anderson

impact wrestlingA nice start to Impact Wrestling, as Aries is accompanied by Thea Trinidad. Aries and Anderson feel each other out early on with simple wristlocks and take downs. Austin ends up getting the upper hand with a nice discus elbow, which made Anderson retreat. Both men ended up hitting a double crossbody, but Anderson got up and made the adjustment faster.

Anderson hits a rolling slam onto Aries, but Aries comes back with a few running clotheslines and a dropkick in the corner. Anderson is able to hit the Green Bay Plunge off the ropes and get a two count. Looking frustrated, he takes his eye off of Aries and Aries is able to set up and connect for the Brainbuster and picks up a victory.

Group Champions now has another victory for Aries, who is one of the best overall talents in the company. He and Anderson really work well together. Anderson is more traditional with not a lot of flash, while Aries can produce technicality and that “wow” moment. Aries can also go from 0 to 60 extremely fast, which is excellent to witness. I really enjoyed the action in this match and I also think Aries needed something fresh and new. Thea could be a really underrated change in his character in the foreseeable future.

WZ 7.5

Tigre Uno defeated Mandrews

Uno and Mandrews work a pretty efficient match on Impact, with the focus on the unique skill set of each man. Uno strikes with punches and knife edge chops, but Mandrews was able to ground Uno and hit a moonsault. He follows up with some kicks and a dropkick for two. Tigre goes up top and hits a legdrop, getting a two count. Back and forth both men go, they both spill to the outside. Mandrews dives to the outside and connects. He tries to hit the Shooting Star Press off the top rope, but Uno moves. A German suplex and a Sabertooth splash ends Mandrews’ night.

It was not that smooth, but more spot after spot after spot. There is a time and place for it and it was right here. It was not a bad match, but it just seemed like each guy tried so hard to get their offense in and the recovery period for both guys seemed a little rushed and forced. TNA made the right call with Uno winning. There is more for him right now than Mandrews, who I really have not found a connection with when watching him compete.

WZ 5.5


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