Isenberg Reacts: Impact Wrestling “What Happened To Your Secondary Championships?”

Matt Hardy vs. Robbie E

impact wrestlingMatt and Robbie exchange lefts and rights to kick off the match, and Hardy sweeps Robbie’s legs out from under him. Robbie connects with a somersault dive off the apron and clotheslines Hardy. Both men make their way back into the ring and Robbie heads to the top. Matt Hardy tosses him off and hits a Side Effect. Robbie reverses a second Side Effect. Hardy drives Robbie into the corner and hits a splash mountain, getting another close count. Robbie counters another move and hits a DDT. He almost gets the 3 count. Hardy hits a second Side Effect and follows up with the Twist of Fate to pick up the victory.

I really enjoyed this match between Robbie E and Matt Hardy for a few reasons. I see a lot of Matt in Robbie, how he conducts himself in the ring and how strong he is with dynamic moves. He keeps it simple and effective, sprinkling in a little creativity. Robbie is due for a big push, being one of the most consistent and entertaining performers. He has paid his dues, was in a successful tag team and now is looking for that big single’s title to propel him into a main event level. Does his career path sound familiar? Robbie and Matt worked a smooth match, one that had very little mistakes. Was it memorable? Maybe not, but consistency is key for TNA.

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I Do Not Understand Grado

Drew Galloway starts off with a quick wrist lock and then hits a German Suplex. Grado tries to be funny after the move, but Galloway is having none of it. He attacks him and sends him into the corner with some chops, followed by a belly to belly. Drew yells at Grado to stand up and Grado gets serious with a few punches and at elbow. More offense from Grado, including a Rock Bottom and a Kevin Owens-esque cannonball in the corner. Drew reverses a move and hits a transitional suplex leading to a big boot and the win.

I am just not a fan of the gimmick that Grado brings. Not everyone needs to be serious, but he tries too hard to be funny. I find him so unentertaining and think that he is misplaced in this World Title Series. Am I wrong about him? Is there something I am missing about him? Drew picks up the obvious win and did not need to do much offensively. Overall, a below average execution and booking of this match.

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