Isenberg Reacts: Impact Wrestling “Title Feud Heats Up”

Gail Saves Her Job

impact wrestling

Maria books Sienna vs. Gail Kim, making Kim win or get fired. Sienna sets up a powerbomb, but Kim slides through and rolls her up to pick up the victory. After the match, Gail Kim gets beaten down and lays in the middle of the ring looking defeated.

I like the idea that Maria has, trying to weed out the old and in with the new. It makes sense and Maria brings a fresh taste to the division, but I do not want to see a 120 pound woman roll up someone 50 pounds heavier to pick up a victory. Come on. That is not believable and makes a new Sienna look somewhat weak.

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Big Problems with Snow and Grado

Al Snow comes off serious, intense and really caring about his role in TNA. Grado comes off as a joke, someone who wishes they had the comedic relief that Santino Marella had in WWE. There is the problem, where TNA has a storyline on complete opposite ends of the spectrum. You have serious storylines and feelings thrown away with comedic matches that include a TURKEY LEG. The only interesting part is to see where LeFort and Louis fit into the storyline with Al Snow. Are they part of a bigger plan or are they there because Al brought them in to protect his backside?

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