WWE Smackdown Live Results play by play

Isenberg Reacts: WWE Smackdown Live “The Best Heel in WWE?”

Baron Corbin defeated Apollo Crews

wwe smackdown live

Baron Corbin and Apollo Crews did battle on Smackdown Live Tuesday night to a really confusing match. First, Crews got offense in but Corbin was able to stop him in his tracks. Corbin picks up a relatively easy win with an End of Days. You might ask why this is confusing and I am going to tell you. Does WWE have any plans for these two new characters? Ever since WrestleMania, neither have really developed the way we all wanted and thought they would. Aside from a feud with Dolph Ziggler, Baron Corbin has not done much besides a few meaningless wins here and there. Apollo Crews has lost matches he has been in and shows great signs in the ring, but NOTHING outside of it. So, where do they go from here?

Do we think a new Jack Swagger will help Baron Corbin? Eh, maybe. Can Apollo Crews potentially be paired with someone? What about having a mouthpiece for the athletic man? He needs something because Apollo Crews by himself right now is sinking faster than the Titanic.

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Why We Love To Hate The Miz

The match that made me enjoy Smackdown Live was for the WWE Intercontinental Championship between The Miz and Dolph Ziggler. Being skeptical about the HUGE step down from Dolph Ziggler after SummerSlam has gone away. I get it now. It makes sense to have him continue to chase a guy that everyone LOVES to HATE. The Miz does just that. This match was not better than Backlash, but it was still really good. With The Miz, it was all going to be about HOW, not IF, he would win. Spraying fragrance in the face of the former world champion is what made The Miz hold onto his championship.

Yes, there comes a time when you want a heel to win clean. No, that should NEVER be the case with The Miz. THIS is why we can’t stand him and wish him nothing but harm. As much as I enjoy his run as champion, I still look for him to lose every single night. That is what makes him so great and possibly the best heel in the game.

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