WWE Smackdown Live Results play by play

Isenberg Reacts: WWE Smackdown Live “The Best Heel in WWE?”

John Cena vs. Dean Ambrose 

(Photo by Kevin Winter/Getty Images)
(Photo by Kevin Winter/Getty Images)

Via WZ Live Coverage:

Ambrose and Cena locks up. Ambrose goes to the side headlock. Ambrose with a side headlock takeover. Ambrose drops Cena with a shoulder tackle. Go behind by Cena. Cena gets Ambrose in a side headlock. Ambrose with a series of back elbows to the gut of Cena. Cena with a running shoulder tackle. Cena goes for the Attitude Adjustment, but Ambrose gets back on his feet. Ambrose goes for the Dirty Deeds, but Cena blocks it. Cena connects with the side headlock takeover. Cena with two consecutive running shoulder tackles. Ambrose sends Cena shoulder first into the steel ring post. Ambrose with a chop/jab combination to Cena. Ambrose with a series of running axe handles. Ambrose connects with a diving lariat.

Ambrose with the running forearm followed by a running bulldog. Ambrose goes for the Dirty Deeds, but Cena gets Ambrose trapped in the STF. Ambrose reaches the bottom rope. Ambrose tosses Cena to the outside. Ambrose with a suicide dive to Cena. Ambrose rolls Cena into the ring. Ambrose ascends to the top rope. Ambrose with a flying crossbody, but Cena catches him. Cena plants Ambrose with the roll through into an Attitude Adjustment for a two count. Cena goes for another Attitude Adjustment, but Ambrose counters with the Dirty Deeds for a two count.

Cena and Ambrose goes and back forth in a series of haymakers. Ambrose goes for the Lunatic Lariat, but Cena counters by getting Ambrose in position for the Attitude Adjustment. Ambrose rolls Cena up to pickup the victory. After the match AJ Styles drops Cena with the Phenomenal Forearm off the barricade. Styles goes to the ring and drops Ambrose with the Pele Kick. Daniel Bryan comes out to announce that next week AJ Styles will put his WWE World Championship on the line against Dean Ambrose. Styles turns around and Ambrose connects with the Dirty Deeds.

How WWE is booking all three of these guys is really logical. I like the tweeners that all three men are, giving the WWE Universe whoever they want to cheer. It is not clear cut, even though it is. The fans are much smarter now on Smackdown and the previously used canned noise will no longer work for them. The main event was really good and I think WWE is going to be in a great spot on Smackdown to continue to build around AJ Styles, rebuild John Cena (if that really is a thing) and continue to try and make Dean Ambrose a main event guy. A solid main event on Smackdown Live saves a show that could have been very below average in terms of value of stories and importance.

WZ 7

@JoshIsenberg4 on Twitter. WWE Smackdown Live Rating:

WZ 6