steve austin
Photo by George Napolitano/FilmMagic

The Bottom Line: Fun Facts About Steve Austin’s 1996 King Of The Ring Victory

Photo by George Napolitano/FilmMagic

#3.) The stunner was debuted at KOTR 1996

This isn’t in the PPV itself but the tournament. During the first round, Steve Austin had to go through Savio Vega to step ahead. Austin was naturally pegged to win and it was Michael Hayes who suggested the move to Austin earlier that same day.

If you watch it now, you’ll see that it lacks the required conviction and timing, but that’s something that Austin only got better with over the years.  Interestingly enough, Austin had seen the finisher before – just not in the WWF. During his brief ECW stint, he would see Mikey Whipwreck use the same finisher.

Perhaps with Hayes’ words in mind and Whipwreck’s finisher insight, Austin created a nice little finisher for himself.

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