Cody Rhodes
Photo Credit: RING OF HONOR/Joe DeFalco

NJPW Fighting Spirit Unleashed Results (9/30) Two Huge Title Matches.

FOURTH MATCH: Los Ingobernables de Japon (Tetsuya Naito, EVIL & SANADA) vs. Suzuki-gun (Davey Boy Smith Jr., Lance Archer & Zack Sabre Jr.)

Suzuki-gun attacks LIJ to start. EVIL drops Sabre, as the rest fight outside. SANADA tags in.

SANADA dominates Sabre. Sabrel locks in a Cobra Twist. They trade holds. Smith tags in.

Smith hits a mid kick. Smith peppers SANADA with elbows. SANADA hits a low dropkick. Snith fights out of Paradise Lock. Archer tags in.

Archer hits a powerslam. Archer hits a short arm lariat. Archer hits a series of corner elbows. Smith tags in.

Smith bodyslams SANADA. Smith hits a falling leg breaker. Smith locks in an STF. SANADA fights back. Smith hits rolling German Suplexes. SANADA hits a second rope dropkick. Naito tags in.

Naito hits a hiptoss. Naito hits a sliding dropkick. Naito hits Sabre with Cabron Combination.  Naito hits Smith with a Neckbreaker. Naito hits an enziguri. Archer and Smith hit a Body Splash/Backbreaker for two.

Naito fights out of Killer Bomb. Naito hits Archer with a Tornado DDT. EVIL tags in. Sabre tags in.

They trade blows. EVIL hits a senton. Sabre locks in a double wristlock. EVIL hits a deadlift Fisherman Buster.LIJ triple team Sabre. Sabre counters an STO with a Octopus Hold. EVIL counters with Darkness Falls for two.

Sabre counters an STO with a European Bridge for the pinfall.

WINNERS: Suzuki-gun


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