impact wrestling

Impact Wrestling Results (10/4): oVe Battles The Lucha Bros and Brian Cage, More

Scarlett Bordeaux joins the commentary desk. Bordeaux says she is out here looking for a champion.

In Ring Segment: Eli Drake

Drake says it’s time for his open challenge.

Eli Drake vs La Parka!!!

Parka pushes Drake into the corner. Parka headbutts drake. Drake back peddles. Drake catches Parka with a neck breaker. Drake pulls a chair from under the ring. Parka kicks Drake in the gut. Facebuster by Parka. Parka picks up the chair. Before Parka can hit Drake with it, Drake rolls out of the ring. Drake leaves and takes the count out.

Winner- La Parka

The OGz run-up in LAX’s hideout. The OGz take LAX’s flag. King spits booze in Konnan’s face. Konnan holds Santana and Ortiz back.

Backstage, Page says Swann missed out on an opportunity to have his third eye opened. Sydal says he and Page are a tag team now. Swann needs to get a partner and meet them at Bound for Glory.

Murder Clown w/Katarina vs Joe Hendry w/Grado

MC tries to boot Hendry. Hendry avoids it and lands a high knee. MC takes Hendry out with a sick kick. MC puts Hendry in the tree of woe. Low dropkick by MC. Hendry surprises MC with a fallaway slam. MC clotheslines Hendry in the corner. MC destroys Hendry with a splash off the top for the win!

Winner- Murder Clown

After the match, MC brings a table into the ring. Katarina low blows Grado. MC splashes Hendry through the table.

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