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Impact Wrestling Results (10/25): Johnny Impact Defends Against Ray Fenix, More

Kiera Hogan w/Allie vs Su Yung

Hogan attacks Yung on the ramp. Hogan sends Yung back into the ring Hogan gets a near fall. Yung stuns Hogan on the top rope. Yung puts Hogan in the tree of woe. Yung kicks Hogan in the back. Yung tries a baseball slide but Hogan sits up. Yung grabs Hogan’s neck. Hogan struggles as Yung hits a hangman’s neck breaker. Yung puts on her glove so she can lock in the Mandible Claw. Hogan fires up. Yung sends Hogan out to the ramp. Yung hits an uppercut that sends Hogan flying up the ramp. Yung picks up Hogan for the Panic Switch. Allie pulls Hogan off Yung’s shoulders. Allie yells at Yung. Allie runs away. Yung hits a hangman’s pedigree. Yung finishes Hogan with the Panic Switch.

Winner- Su Yung

Impact Championship Match: Johnny Impact (c) vs Fenix

Impact and Fenix feel each other out. Neither man can get the advantage. After a multiple dropdown/leapfrog spot Impact lands a head kick. Fenix tries to toss Impact but Impact lands on his feet. Fenix and Impact trade chops and elbows. Impact tries a springboard but Fenix dives between Impacts legs as he does a front flip off the top rope. Fenix springboard corkscrew splash by Fenix. Impact lands the Impact kick.

After the break, Impact has Fenix in a crossface. Fenix fights to his feet. Impact and Fenix fight up to the top rope. Fenix hits a top rope hurricanrana. Impact kicks out. Fenix sets up a dive to the outside. Impact cuts Fenix off with a Spanish Fly for a near fall. Fenix counters Impact into a German suplex. Impact kicks out. Impact misses the Countdown to Impact. Impact responds with the moonlight drive. Fenix kicks out yet again. Flying headbutt following by the Fenix kick by Fenix. Impact kicks out. Impact counters Fenix’s muscle buster into a DDT. Shinning wizard by Impact. Impact destroys Fenix with Starship Pain for the win.

Winner and STILL Impact World Champion, Johnny Impact!

After the match, the OGz and King attack Fenix. Pentagon Jr. hits the ring to make the save.

Backstage, Kross is standing over Impact’s prone body.

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