WWE NXT Results
Design / Layout Credit: Bill Pritchard

WWE NXT Results (11/7): Heavy Machinery In Action, Velveteen Dream Battles Lars Sullivan, More

Velveteen Dream vs Lars Sullivan

As soon as the bell rings Dream attacks Sullivan. Sullivan drives Dream into the corner. Sullivan tosses Dream clear across the ring with an atomic suplex. Dream tries to fire back with a few strikes. Dream runs into Sullivan, sending Sullivan flying out of the ring. Dream dives onto Sullivan. Dream whips Sullivan into the ring steps. Sullivan picks up Dream and suplexes him onto the ring apron. Dream slowly rolls into the ring. Dream stumbles into the corner. Sullivan runs into Dream like a freight train. Sullivan beals Dream to the other side of the ring. Sullivan tries to rip Dream’s nose off. Clubbing right hand by Sullivan. Sullivan slaps on a nerve hold. Dream drops down to his knees. Dream tries a sunset flip. Sullivan lifts Dream off the mat. Sullivan obliterates Dream with another clubbing right hand. Sullivan sends Dream into the corner so hard that Dream ends up falling out of the ring.

Dream rolls back into the ring. Sullivan steps on Dream’s back. Sullivan goes back to the nerve hold. Dream breaks the hold with a chin breaker. Dream fires up with rights and lefts. Dream boots Sullivan in the face twice. Dream hits the ropes but Sullivan pops Dream into the air. Dream counters this into a high angle dropkick. Dream hits a top rope dropkick. Dream tries to pick up Sullivan for the rolling DVD. Dream’s back gives out. Sullivan suplexes Dream. Sullivan goes up top. Dream cuts Sullivan off with a superkick. Dream tries to set up a superplex. Sullivan tosses Dream off the top. Sullivan misses a diving headbutt. Sullivan misses a splash in the corner. Dream hits the Dream Valley Driver. Dream goes up top. Ciampa runs down to ringside. Dream dives off the top onto Ciampa. Dream gets back in the ring and runs right into the Freak Accident.

Winner- Lars Sullivan

After the match, Ciampa attacks Dream. Ciampa tries to piledrive Dream on the title belt. Dream escapes and superkicks Ciampa. Dream destroys Ciampa with a twisting DDT on the NXT title. Dream goes up for the elbow drop. Referees hit the ring and tell Dream to get down. Dream starts to leave. Dream runs back to the ring and elbow drops Ciampa. Dream celebrates with the NXT title.

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