Figure Friday: WWE Wrestlemania Elite – Undertaker (Photos)

It’s that day of the week again, Figure Friday! This week we take a look at the WWE Wrestlemania Elite Undertaker figure based on his Wrestlemania 33 appearance. This is probably his best figure to date and you can currently order him on as well as SAVE 10% with discount code MBG! Let’s take a look at the phenom up close!

The Packaging

Undertaker showcases packaging with a new color scheme, which makes this series stand out from your other typical WWE Elites. The black, yellow and red colors give the packaging a nice, clean look. You can see Undertaker in the box with his cloth coat and hat as well as swappable, glove-less hands. The hand design is a bit odd, but I’ll get into that shortly. The sides showcase Undertaker’s name as well as a large image of him. On the back of the box it mentions what event he’s based on, Wrestlemania 33, as well as shows whom else is in the series. The series includes: Scott Hall, Triple H and Sasha Banks, all of which can also be ordered on currently.

The Headscan

Once Undertaker is removed from the packaging you can see just how great of a figure this is. He showcases the new True FX headscan technology, which really brings out the detail in his likeness. The lips are painted a little oddly and others have noticed this on theirs too, but other than that he looks fantastic. Easily his best scan to date. The detail in his hair as well as makeup and facial hair really make the scan pop.

The Attire and Detail

Undertaker features the same attire as most of his previous Elites. The typical wife-beater type top and black jeans. The detail in his jeans are great as it really captures the authenticity with wrinkles and even detail in the belt buckle. The detail on the figure is tremendous, too. He has a ton of detail in all of his tattoos on his arms. A long elbow pad covers his left elbow, restricting some movement a bit unfortunately. The rubber is a little thick, making it hard to pose his arm well. Moving down to his hands he has his typical gloves. You can swap these with the glove-less hands, but I’m not sure why as we never see him really without them. I’m not sure if perhaps Mattel didn’t have swappable glove hands made in time for this figure’s release, but hopefully we will see that with future figures of him.

The Accessories and Articulation

Undertaker does come with his coat as well as his hat. Both are removable obviously. His hat is made of a thin rubber, almost too flimsy honestly as it warps a bit. It rests on his head with no issue, but may fall off easily, too. His coat on the other hand is cloth and fits him very well. The coat really makes the figure shine as it truly captures his iconic look we all love.

He showcases the typical Elite articulation. The only real restriction would be the elbow pad on his left arm. The right arm on mine was very stiff though so be careful posing yours if the figure seems to fight you on moving if that makes sense. I put mine in some boiling water for a minute to weaken the plastic and then moved his arm several times until it could be posed properly.


This is probably his best modern WWE Elite to date. The detail in the scan is fantastic and the cloth coat makes the figure that much better. I highly recommend picking this figure up as I don’t know when we will be getting another modern Elite Undertaker with the new head scan technology. The glove-less hands are definitely an odd choice, but if you like the way it looks you can easily swap them out. As mentioned earlier you can get it currently on and you can SAVE 10% with my discount code MBG at checkout!

Look for a new episode of Figure 2 Photo showing the making of the chokeslam photo above soon! For more wrestling figure news and coverage be sure to follow Wrestling Figure News on Twitter! Thanks and I’ll see you next week!

Read More: The Undertaker Featured In New Onnit Documentary ‘True Wrestling’