Photo Credit: AAW

Interview with Jake Something & Curt Stallion ahead of AAW The Final Stand

AAW is presenting The Final Stand on 1/26th.  AAW mainstays and indie stars of the rise, Jake Something, and Curt Stallion are one of the most popular teams in AAW. They recently joined heel stable WRSTLNG. With all the buzz that both men have acquired in the first few weeks of 2019, here is look back as they reflect of their 2018, as well as goals for 2019.

Interview took place after AAW: The Windy City Classic (12/28/18)


WZ: A lot has happened since we last spoke. Which was in the summer. How has the year 2018 treated you guys. Are you looking forward to 2019 as well?

Jake: Very well. I kind of have a short-term memory, so I don’t remember all of it. But I remember being happy most of it. Lots of debuts, I got to work a lot of good companies. Glory Pro, of course, Impact, AAW was like my mainstay this year. So that was awesome. and 2019 is going to be even better. We got a lot of things in the work. I think Curt does too probably does too cuz, he’s giving me a little side eye grin so, and obviously, we are the most badass tag team on the planet right now, so we’ll see what else happens our away.

Curt: Same


Curt: At this point in my career, like I don’t feel it necessary to sit here and bring up all the things that I’ve done because like I mean, yeah, it’s been cool and great. Everything’s been wonderful for the second half of 2018. But it’s what we’re gonna do not just me not just him, us. It’s what we are going to do in 2019 and by God, we’re going to do some cool as shit brother

WZ: Could you elaborate?

Jake: no


Curt: That’s the chemistry brother. You know, I think I’m going to do something but he ends up doing something and vice versa.

WZ: Let’s talk about what happened tonight, The Windy City Classic, you guys had a matchup against Besties in the World with Scarlett Bourdeux. You had back up this time with Quinn Mckay, how has bringing in Quinn helped the tag team out?

Curt: Quite a bit because not only do we get to you. Also get to use her as an influence because she’s quite smart and she’s got some good ideas. And she you know, there might be a time where backstage we’re sitting there getting a game plan together and she’ll just come up and get like, “Hey guy’s I’ve got it” and then we’ll go out there and she will distract a m’fer and like, help us win.

Jake: If watch the show, sometimes we use her as a weapon, I have a habit of throwing her at people sometimes


Jake: did you see me throw Matt Fitchett into the crowd, then he died?

WZ: Yeah I was like, oh cool Jake killed a guy

Curt: I was just staring like, what did you do?

WZ: You guys lost the battle but won the war.

(Though Besties in the World won the match, Jake Something and Curt Stallion did a massive beatdown afterward)

Jake: Yeah you replay that and see who won

Curt: So, I was just going to say, let’s talk about the end of the show

WZ: I was about to ask about that

(Earlier in the night, Jeff Cobb was kicked out of WRSTLNG, so was Trevor Lee, making that stable a duo temporarily, the team of Eddie Kington and David Starr)

WZ: With all the issues in the stable known as WRSTLING, with Jeff Cobb leaving, down to two guys, right after Sami Callahan wins the AAW Championship, you guys, with Quinn McKay show up, with Wrstling t shirts on, how did that happen?

Curt: That’s a really good question honestly

Jake: You ever go walk down the road, you see a pebble, then it rolls down a hills, then it hits other pebbles, then all of sudden there’s an avalanche? That’s what happened

WZ: With 2019 here, and you guys with WRSTLNG, what’s the future hold for you two?

Curt: A lot of good fucking things starting with Main Events and that’s where we belong and it’s about goddamn time that they put us there. So let me let me just explain something to you, Mr. David star Ive seen all the little beef wrestling has had, all the little thing Eddie Kingston has done, I know that wrestling is full of snakes. And I mean that in more ways than one; but I also know that Jake and I can handle ourselves if shit goes down. We align ourselves with WRSTLNG because we all have the same fucking goal in mind.

And sure David Starr. Can I get his shot at the title, but that doesn’t mean we are neither. It doesn’t matter who’s got it. Jake can have it, I can have, Eddie can have it and you could have it freaking Quinn could have it for some reason. At the end of the day, if  WRSTLNG has the belt. We all got the belt, but We’re still you know. Where we can go out there and wrestle each other for the title and we don’t have to give any of these guys in the locker room and shot. It doesn’t matter who’s got it-

Jake: As long as we run the show

WZ: Thank you for your time, where can people find you?

Jake: On Twitter @JakeSomething_ and Instagram @jakesomething27

curt: in hell in about 10 years to be honest


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