Impact Wrestling Results

Impact Wrestling Results (3/29/19)

Impact Wrestling Results

March 29, 2019

Report By Lovell Porter for

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Last Week’s Impact Wrestling Results

In Ring Segment: LAX

Konnan says he told LAX and the Lucha Bros that he didn’t want them to fight because they would end up where exactly where they are right now. If Penta and Fenix hit the ring. Penta grabs Ortiz’s flip flop and beats him with it. Security breaks up the brawl. LAX and the Lucha Bros beat up the security. The Lucha Bros hit Santana and Ortiz with chairs. The Lucha Bros try to put Santana and Ortiz through tables. LAX turns the tables and put Fenix and Penta through tables.

Scarlett Bordeaux vs. Glenn Gilbertti

Bordeaux out wrestles Gilbertti. Crossbody off the top by Bordeaux. Gilbertti Garvin stomps Bordeaux. Gilbertti dances before booting Bordeaux in the face. Gilbertti misses a corner spear. Bordeaux Lands a splash in the corner. Running hip attack by Bordeaux. Bordeaux hits the stunner. Gilbertti kicks out. Gilbertti lands a side Russian leg sweep. Gilbertti tries the corner 10 punches. Bordeaux counters into a powerbomb off the top. Bordeaux gets the three count.

Winner- Scarlett Bordeaux

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