Tama Tonga
Photo Credit: TV Asahi/NJPW

NJPW Wrestling Hi No Kuni Results (4/29) Goto vs. Switchblade, IWGP Tag Titles, More

SECOND MATCH: Jeff Cobb, Yoshi-Hashi, Jushin Thunder Liger, Tiger Mask & Ryusuke Taguchi vs. Suzuki-gun (Taichi, Minoru Suzuki, TAKA Michinoku, El Desperado & Yoshinobu Kanemaru)

[stream died briefly, but based on the way everyone is limping, I’ll take a guess that Suzuki-gun attacked before the bell]

Desperado & Kanemaru double team Tiger Mask. Tiger Mask fights back. Yoshi-Hashi tags in.

Yoshi-Hashi gets a nearfall. Everyone runs the bases on Desperado. Desperado fights back and sends Tiger Mask into Taguchi’s ass. Taguchi tires to fight all of Suzuki-gun alone and is basically trampled. Desperado throws Taguchi out of the ring. Desperado distracts the ref while Everyone Brawls On The Outside™.

Taguchi is rolled back in the ring. Desperado covers for two. Kanemaru tags in and kicks Taguchi around. Taichi grabs the ROH TV Title and the NEVER Openweight Title and throws them around. TAKA tags in and maintains dominance. Taichi attacks Cobb with both title belts.

Suzuki tags in. Taguchi fights back. Liger tags in. Liger taks Suzuki to the top rope. Suzuki headbutts Liger. Liger gets back to the mat. Suzuki climbs down. Liger hits a Brainbuster. Liger covers for two.

Suzuki hits a corner Yakuza Kick. Suzuki hits a Penalty Kick. Suzuki covers for two.

Suzuki toys with Liger. They trade chops. Suzuki locks in a Rear Naked Choke. Liger fights out and fights back. Cobb tags in. Taichi tags in.

Cobb punishes Taichi. Cobb hits a Samoan Drop. Cobb hits a standing Moonsault. Cobb hits a double back drop on Desperado and Kanemaru. Taichi dodges Tour Of The Islands. Taichi dodges a suplex. Taichi slams Cobb. Taichi hits a Buzzsaw Kick. Taichi covers for two.

Taichi rips off his pants. Cobb dodges the Thrust Kick. Taichi hits an enziguiri. TAKA tags in.

Suzuki-gun quadruple team Cobb. TAKA covers for two. TAKA distracts the referee. Taguchi hits everyone with hip attacks. Liger tosses Suzuki out of the ring. TAKA and Cobb trade blows. Cobb hits a lariat. Taichi hits an enziguiri. Cobb hits a Swinging Saito Suplex. Cobb hits Tour Of The Islands for the pinfall in 12:42.

WINNERS: Jeff Cobb, Yoshi-Hashi, Jushin Thunder Liger, Tiger Mask & Ryusuke Taguchi.

After the match, Taichi and Cobb stare each other down.


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