Tama Tonga
Photo Credit: TV Asahi/NJPW

NJPW Wrestling Hi No Kuni Results (4/29) Goto vs. Switchblade, IWGP Tag Titles, More

THIRD MATCH: Dragon Lee & Will Ospreay vs. Bullet Club (Taiji Ishimori & Hikuleo)

Bullet Club attack at the bell. Ishimori and Hikuleo isolate Ospreay in the ring. Ospreay sends Ishimori to the floor. Ospreay and Dragon Lee hit stereo dropkicks on Hikuleo. Ospreay and Drahon Lee hit stereo sliding dropkicks. Dragon Lee assists Ospreay in a step-up moonsault. Ospreay covers for two.

Hikuleo fights back. Ospreay counters a body slam. Ishimori hits an apron enziguiri. Hikuleo maintains dominance. Ishimori tags in.

Ishimori attacks Ospreay’s neck. Hikuleo tags in. Hikuleo hits a suplex. Hikuleo covers for two.

Ishimori tags in. Ospreay dodges a springboard attack. Ospreay hits a handspring enziguiri. Dragon Lee tags in.

Dragon Lee hits a series of shotgun dropkicks. Ishimori counters Descunadora. They trade blows. Dragon Lee and Ishimori trade Poison Ranas. Ishimori’s goes VERY bad. Both men seem a little messed up from it. Hikuleo tags in.

Hikuleo dominates Dragon Lee. Dragon Lee counters a brainbuster. Hikuleo hits a big boot. Dragon Lee hits a hurricanrana. Dragon Lee hits a missile dropkick. Ospreay tags in. Ospreay hits Pip Pip Cheerio. Ospreay covers for two.

Ospreay hits a series of corner dropkicks. Ishimori breaks up Stormbreaker. Ishimori hits a corner meteora. Hikuleo hits a Swinging Neckbreaker. Hikuleo covers. Dragon Lee breaks up the pinfall.

Dragon Lee ducks a clothesline and hits a suicide dive. Hikuleo hits Ospreay with a lariat. Hikuleo covers for two.

Ospreay hits Marafuji Kick. Ospreay hits Osscutter for the pinfall in 10:06.

WINNERS: Will Ospreay & Dragon Lee