Mandy Rose
Photo Credit: WrestleZone

Mandy Rose is Excited About Her Muscle and Fitness Cover, Surprising WWE Superstar Dance Moves

Mandy Rose is Excited About Her Muscle and Fitness Cover

In an exclusive backstage interview, Mandy Rose speaks about appearing on the cover of Muscle and Fitness HERS. While she has appeared on several other covers in the past, she shares that landing this magazine was a personal goal for quite some time. She also states that achieving it while being a WWE Superstar “really brings it all together.”

Surprising WWE Superstar Dance Moves

The latest edition of WWE Top 10 features WWE superstars busting out unexpected moves and grooves. This includes Bubba Ray doing the Macarena (and Michael Cole not knowing what it was), a rare Vladimir Kozlov sighting, and Brock Lesnar’s Brock Party antics from recent RAWs.