WWE Raw Results

WWE RAW Results (12/9/19)

Andrade w/Zelina Vega vs. Humberto Carrillo

As soon as the bell rings Andrade dropkicks Carrillo. Back body drop by Andrade. Andrade works a side headlock. Carrillo lands a double jump cross body off the top. Andrade falls to the outside. Carrillo stands on the ring post and lands a beautiful moonsault to the outside. After the break, Carrillo sits Andrade on the top rope. Andrade crotches Carrillo into the tree of woe. Andrade lands a tree of woe double stomp for a near fall. Andrade misses his patented corner double knee strike. Missile dropkick by Carrillo. Carrillo hits the Aztec Press. Carrillo doesn’t land all of it. Andrade kicks out. Andrade obliterates Carrillo with a spinning back elbow. Andrade falls on top of Carrillo, but Carrillo kicks out! Andrade tries a moonsault bit Carrillo moves out of the way. Andrade lands on his feet and immediately lands a running double knee strike. Andrade accidentally knocks Vega off the apron. Carrillo victory rolls Andrade for the win.

Winner- Humberto Carrillo

After the match, Andrade yells at Vega.

Backstage, Mysterio says he will shake AJ Styles’ hand if he can beat him tonight.

Buddy Murphy vs. Zack Ryder w/Curt Hawkins

After a bit of back and forth, Ryder lands dropkick off the top. Ryder lands the Browski boot, which sends Murphy out of the ring. Murphy takes out Hawkins. In the confusion, Murphy lands Murphy’s Law for the win.

Winner- Buddy Murphy

Backstage, Owens finds the truck AOP arrived in. Owens takes out his frustration on the truck. AOP attacks Owens from behind. There is someone sitting in the back of the truck. Akam slams the door into Owens’ head. The chair in the back of the truck spins and it’s Seth Rollins sitting there. Rollins tells Owens that he’s sorry and wishes it didn’t have to be this way. Rollins lands the Stomp on the concrete floor. Owens is not moving.

WWE RAW Live Results Continue On The Next Page!


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