WWE Raw Results

WWE RAW Results (12/9/19)

Seth Rollins walks out on the stage and asks the crowd what they want from him. Rollins says we all used to get along. Rollins just wants to figure out what went wrong. Rollins doesn’t take nights off, he lays it all on the line for all of us. Rollins is sick of being disrespected. Rollins tells us that when he told us that he had nothing to do with the AOP he wasn’t lying. The truth isn’t good enough for the WWE Universe? Rollins doesn’t know what we want from him. Beating Lesnar twice wasn’t enough. If the WWE Universe wants to push Rollins, Rollins is going to push back. Now, Rollins is going to stand side by side with two men who understand him. Rollins is going to stand with the AOP. Akam and Rezar join Rollins on the stage.

Backstage, Owens is being loaded into an ambulance.

2-On-1 Handicap Match: Becky Lynch vs. The Kabuki Warriors

Lynch starts off hot, stomping Asuka into the corner. Asuka rolls out of the ring. After a distraction by Sane, Asuka attacks Lynch. Asuka lands a hip attack in the corner. Asuka lays in a few elbow strikes. After the break, Lynch lays both Kabuki Warriors out with clotheslines. Lynch lands a double DDT for a near fall. Sane pulls Lynch off the top rope. Sane misses the InSANE elbow. Asuka misses a missile dropkick. Lynch misses the Irish Jam off the top. Asuka puts Lynch in the Asuka Lock. Lynch reverses it into her own Asuka Lock. Sane pulls Asuka out of the ring to break the hold. Lynch sends Sane into the barricade. Asuka surprises Lynch with a shining wizard. Lynch kicks out. Sane and Asuka hit a doomsday elbow strike. Lynch kicks out again. Sane tries the InSANE elbow but Lynch gets her feet up. Lynch Rock Bottoms Asuka, then puts Sane in the DisArmHer. Asuka pulls Sane out of the ring. Asuka hits Lynch with a chair to cause a disqualification.

Winner- Becky Lynch

After the match, Sane puts Lynch through a table with the InSANE elbow.

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