AEW Dynamite Results

AEW Dynamite Results (1/22/2020)

AEW Dynamite Results

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AEW World Tag Team Championship: SCU (c) vs. Kenny Omega & Adam “Hangman” Page

During entrances, the commentators emphasized the rocky relationship of Page & Omega.

The match started off with some chain wrestling between Frankie Kazarian and Adam Page. Scorpio Sky would be tagged in shortly after and the crowd would ask for Kenny Omega and hangman would the grudgingly oblige, tagging his partner. Kenny on that go with gain control but Hangman would shortly thereafter tag himself in.

For the next few minutes, it was all SCU. both Frankie and Scorpio would attempt several near fall pin attempts on Hangman. A double clothesline would take both and down allowing hangman to finally make it to Kenny who then unloaded on Scorpio Sky who was the legal man. Kenny ended up getting a two-count after a Fisherman Buster. Great moonsault combo would get another two count for The Elite.

Later, a miscue lead toHangman hitting Kenny with The Buckshot Lariat but they were able to rebound and not have that be the end of their title aspirations. SCU would not be able to capitalize on their finisher to get the win.

The finish would come when hangman with go on a frenzy delivering a Buckshot Lariat to both members of SCU and scoring the victory for he and Kenny.


After the match, The Young Bucks would come out to celebrate with their friends. Hangman Page instead chose to drink in the audience and be bodysurfed by the crowd.

Britt Baker vs. Priscilla Kelly

It was a bit of a back-and-forth matchup, but ultimately, The Lock-Jaw would secure the win for Dr. Britt Baker.

After the match, but Baker would be interviewed by Tony Schiavone and would run him down. Britt Baker solidified a heel turn. she would say that she is the smartest and the hottest and remind everybody that she is a dentist before she would be cut off in mid promo as the show went to commercial.

Jurassic Express vs. Inner Circle

Early on, there was a huge moment of momentum for Marko Stunt. Ultimately, the momentum would slow down as the Inner Circle would work over Jungle Boy.

The momentum would shift when Jungle Boy would get in a hot tag to Luchasaurus. Which source would greenhouse and maintain control but ultimately get sidetracked by Jake Hager. Before he left the action to go after Hager, he would tag in Marko Stunt who would get a few near falls on Chris Jericho before falling to the Judas Effect Elbow.

WINNER: Inner Circle

MJF vs. Joey Janela

Both men traded chain holds, in the beginning, to feel each other out. It would be back and forth from their mostly through the picture-in-picture commercial break.The end of the match came when Joey Janela got distracted by Penelope Ford and Kip Sabian making out. MJF won with the Double Cross.


After the match, Cody came out to confront MJF but it was all a ruse as The Young Bucks would superkick MJF for him and throw MJF into a pool.

Matches were set for next week including Darby Island human with Private Party against the Inner Circle, and Kip Sabian fighting Cody Rhodes.

Jon Moxley vs. PAC

Chris Jericho was on commentary. The large part of the match was built around Moxley’s eye injury. there were weird moments where the audience was talking crap to another boat that passed by.

Ultimately, two paradigm shift DDTs would send Jon Moxley to Revolution to fight Chris Jericho.

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