the revival
Photo by Etsuo Hara/Getty Images

Dax Harwood Reveals Hilarious Shirt Based On Failed Revival Redesign

As previously reported, the newly christened Revolt team of Dax Harwood and Cash Wheeler are taking advantage of their high profile departures from WWE and the rumors surrounding it. One of the most outlandish is a leaked picture of a redesign for the team into a comedy duo, something WWE officials supposedly wanted before their release. The costumes, which would turn the no-nonsense team into some sort of 90s jock jam clowns, are now the subject of a new FTR shirt on sale now:

In the replies for the tweet, some fans point out that WWE technically owns these designs and could pursue Dax and Cash for legal fees. However, that would for WWE to publically admit that this insane look was a “stupid idea from bad creative.” Basically, if you look at it the right way, Dax’s new shirt is a dare aimed directly at their old employers. FTR indeed.

RELATED: WATCH: The Revival Releases New ‘Fear The Revolt’ Teaser


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