talk n shop Gallows & Anderson
Luke Gallows (L) and Karl Anderson hold up their trophy during the World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) Crown Jewel pay-per-view in Riyadh on October 31, 2019. (Photo by Fayez Nureldine / AFP) (Photo by FAYEZ NURELDINE/AFP via Getty Images)

Karl Anderson & Luke Gallows To Talk About WWE Releases After 90-Day Clause Expires

Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows are ready to do some hootin’, but not just yet. The Good Brothers were released from their WWE contracts  back on April 15 and now with nearly a month of their free agency X’ed out on the calendar The OC are itching to drink some beers and talk shop. They’ve been doing just that on their numbers shattering podcast Talk ‘N’ Shop with fellow good brother Rocky Romero as  they interviewed “Dr. D” David Schultz and Alexander Koslov in some previous episodes, but there is no denying fans want to hear the details about their releases since the two negotiated new WWE contracts back in September of last year. Anderson took to Twitter today to announce that in a mere 68 days and counting, he and Doc Gallows will have such a discussion on the podcast, stating that the decision to re-sign was a mistake.

“Listen, we had a decision to make in September of 2019.. We clearly made the wrong one. In 68 days, at midnight @The_BigLG n I will talk about it. All of it. @TalknShop @azucarRoc #TalkNShopAMania

Talk ‘N’ Shop became number one on Apple’s Sports & Recreation podcast category soon after the tag team was released so you can bet this impending one will be a doozy.

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