IMPACT Wrestling Results

IMPACT Wrestling Results (5/12/20)

The North is defending the tag titles from Canada again. Page says he heard everyone’s complaints from last week so this week he didn’t pick their opponents. The North will be facing two shmucks. 

IMPACT Tag Team Championship Match: The North (c ) vs. The Smoes

Page superkicks one of the kids. He is out cold. Page picks the kid up and simulates a fight with him. The North hits their finish for the win.

Winners and STILL IMPACT Tag Team Champions, The North!

Backstage, Swinger challenges Willie Mack to a match next week. 

TNA Championship Match: Moose (c ) vs. Suicide 

Suicide gets a few near falls after two early pin attempts. After the break, Suicide lights Moose up with a couple of chops. Suicide walks the ropes and hits a ranna. Moose falls out of the ring. Suicide lays in a few more chops. Moose sends Suicide into the barricade. Moose throws Suicide off the top rope. Moose boots Suicide off the apron. Moose swings Suicide into the barricade. Moose powerbombs Suicide on the apron.

Moose yells into the camera. Suicide surprises Moose with a suicide dive. Suicide lands a senton off the apron. Suicide gets aa near fall after a snap ranna into a springboard moonsault. Moose accidentally runs into the referee. Moose dives off the top but Suicide counters with a flying codebreaker. Suicide pins Moose but the referee is down. Suicide helps the referee get to his feet. Suicide gets another near fall. Moose kicks Suicide in the nuts and hit the No Jackhammer Needed Spear for the win. 

Winner and STILL TNA Champion, Moose!

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