WWE Friday Night Smackdown Results

WWE Friday Night SmackDown Results (5/22/20)

Backstage, Jeff Hardy says he wasn’t sure where his journey will lead him. His road is clear now. The IC Championship. It’s special to him because its the first championship he won on his own. Winning the title again would mean everything has come full circle. Hardy’s path to glory runs right through Sheamus.

Intercontinental Championship Tournament: Jeff Hardy vs. Sheamus

Sheamus drives Hardy into the corner. Sheamus misses a right hand which allows Hardy to be able to grab a side headlock. Hardy takes Sheamus down to the mat. Sheamus counter with a hammerlock. Sheamus lands a few strikes. Sheamus chokes Hardy on the bottom rope. Hardy back body drops Sheamus over the top rope. Hardy tries a splash but Sheamus catches him. Sheamus drives Hardy into the ring post. Sheamus slams Hardy on the announce desk. Sheamus gets in Cole’s face and yells at him about putting over Hardy while Sheamus is the real big deal. After the break, Sheamus drops his knee on Hardy’s face over and over again. Sheamus yells to Cole that “It’s a slaughter!” Sheamus destroys Hardy with a clothesline. Hardy surprises Sheamus with the whisper in the wind. Sheamus kicks out. Sheamus kicks Hardy in the head. Sheamus crushes Hardy with multiple Irish Curse backbreakers. Sheamus dumps Hardy out to the apron.

Sheamus slams Hardy with the ten beats of the bodhran. Sheamus smiles as Hardy writhes in pain on the apron. Hardy backflips out of a back suplex. Sheamus charges in but Hardy moves out of the way. Sheamus hits the ring post shoulder first. Hardy fires up and lands a series of moves. Sheamus kicks out of Hardy’s basement dropkick. Sheamus avoids the Twist of Fate by rolling out of the ring. Hardy follows and pushes Sheamus into the ring post. Hardy walks the barricade and clotheslines Sheamus. Hardy sends Sheamus back into the ring. Hardy tries the Swanton. Sheamus gets his knees up. Hardy kicks out. Sheamus knees Hardy in the face. Hardy kicks out again. Sheamus calls for the Brogue Kick. Hardy avoids it and rolls up Sheamus for the win.

Winner- Jeff Hardy


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