Angel Garza
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Angel Garza Talks Tearaway Pants: ‘It’s Exciting For Everybody’

Social media has exploded with a ton of different challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic, and WWE superstar Angel Garza is looking to create his own very unusual one for the crew of WWE’s The Bump.

Speaking on a recent episode, Garza discussed his tear-away pants craze, and how it’s captivated the WWE universe. Garza revealed that he just came up with the move one day, and is happy that it’s become part of him. Later in the interview, Garza said that he’d love to one day sell tear-away pants and issue a #TakeYourPantsOffChallenge to all those who pick it up.

Garza then challenged the members of WWE’s The Bump to try it, saying that he would send a pair of trunks to each and every host so that they could partake in the new craze.

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